
He is Tembye Swami Maharaj reborn!

“Ummm, Mama….this Shireesh^ here says that…..you are Tembye Swami Maharaj* reborn…..” said Narayan. An awkward silence ensued in Mauli.

Narayan is a sincere, naive sadhak, who is absolutely devoted to Sadguru Mama. Many years ago, he came to Mauli as a young lad and stayed there under the loving care of Sadguru Mama. Once, Mama told Narayan to serve PPS Tembye Swami Maharaj. The ever-obedient Narayan did exactly what he was told, word for word. He would only clean and worship the huge photo of PPS Tembye Swami Maharaj, which adorns the walls of Mauli, and ignored those of other deities. Amused by his singular focus on the photo of PPS Tembye Swami Maharaj, Mama Himself then explained that all the saints in our lineage are actually one and the same. It was only then that Narayan bowed down to the other saints as well!

Once Sadguru Dada explained to Narayan that Tembye Swami Maharaj Himself was reborn as Sadguru Mama. “Why don’t you bow down to Mama instead of bowing down again and again in front of that photo?” asked Sadguru Dada. “No, said Narayan. ‘Mama and Swami Maharaj can’t be the same. Look they are so different!’ Narayan decided to settle this matter once and for all and, one night, after all sadhaks, except for Sadguru Dada and himself, had left, he gathered the courage to ask Sadguru Mama Himself whether or not Mama and PPS Tembye Swami Maharaj were the same!

Sadguru Mama, sitting on His bed (in Mauli, where currently His padukas are kept) was playing the card game, Patience. He cast a grave look at Sadguru Dada and completely ignored Narayan’s query. Not taking the hint, Narayan prodded again, “I mean, are you really Tembye Swami Maharaj?”

The silence in Mauli was deafening. Narayan, however, could not hold back his curiosity. “Mama”, he persisted. “Now what?!” thundered Mama. “Actually, Shireesh said, are you really…” Sadguru Mama was furious, before Narayan could even complete his question, He suddenly turned to face the two of them. One hand raised in the air, a Danda and Kamandalu** suddenly appeared in His outstretched hands. Assuming the form of Tembye Swami Maharaj, He glowered at Narayan. “Yes, I am Tembye Swami. And, I don’t owe any explanations to anyone!”

Sadguru Dada and Narayan were intimidated by the unexpected manifestation of PPS Tembye Swami Maharaj in Mama. Speechless, they merely quivered. In a few seconds, the fierce yet divine vision was replaced by the calm figure of Mama who patiently continued His game. The image of Swami however, was firmly imprinted on their minds forever.

^ Param Pujya Sadguru Shree Shireesh Dada Kawade aka Dada or Sadguru Dada

*One of the greatest philosopher-saints of the last century and holder of the highest Order in the Vedic religion; Tembye Swami Maharaj is considered to be the fifth incarnation of Lord ShreeDattatreya and a towering figure in the ShreeDatta Sampraday, For more information on the lineage look up http://ssmandal.org/about-us/  

**A  stout stick and a water jar typically carried by Sanyasi- a person who has renounced the world. P P S Tembye Swami Maharaj was a Sanyasi too. 

Original story featured in the book titled श्रीसद्गुरुस्मरणी (ShreeSadguruSmarani) and was written by Sadguru Shree Shireesh Shantaram Kawade. Paraphrased in English by the SMF Project X team.

(Sanskrit version)

ते टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजा: अवतीर्णा:

 “अहो मामा, एषः शिरीष: ^ वदति यत् भवान् टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाभागानाम्*  अवतारः अस्ति ” नारायण: अब्रवीत् | माउलीमध्ये शान्ति: प्रसृता आसीत् |

नारायण: कश्चन ऋजुमतिः साधक: य: सद्गुरुमामामहाभागान् प्रति अतीव निष्ठावान् भक्तिमान् च अस्ति | बहुवर्षेभ्य: प्राक् एषः युवा माउलीआश्रमम् आगत्य मामामहाभागै: प्रेम्णा परिपालित: स्थित: |  एकवारं मामामहाभागा: तं प.पू.स. टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजान् सेवितुं सूचितवन्त: | सदा आज्ञापालक: नारायण: तथैव अकरोत्, यथा आदिष्ट: आसीत् तथैव अक्षरश: | स: केवलं माउलीआश्रमस्य भित्तिकायां स्थितं प.पू.स.टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजानां विशालं चित्रम् एव मार्ष्टि तथा पूजयति स्म, अन्येषां चित्राणाम् उपेक्षां करोति स्म |  तेन एवम् एकाग्रतया अवधानेन क्रियमाणं टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजानां पूजनं दृष्ट्वा विस्मिता: मामामहाभागा: स्वयमेव नारायणम् अवदन् यत् अस्माकं परम्परायां सर्वे सन्त: वस्तुत: एकस्वरुपा: समानाश्च सन्ति | ततः आरभ्य नारायण: अन्यदेवानां चित्राणि वन्दितुम् आरभत |

एकदा सद्गुरुदादामहाभागा: नारायणम् अवदन्, “प.पू स. टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजा: एव पुन: मामामहाभागानां रूपेण आगता: सन्ति | अतः तच्चित्राय पुन: पुन: नमननिवेदनं विहाय त्वं किमर्थं साक्षात् मामाभागान् एव न नमस्करोषि” इति |

नारायण: अब्रवीत् “ न, मामामहाभागा: स्वामीमहाराजा: च समाना: न  भवितुम् अर्हन्ति | पश्यतु तेषु कियान् भेद: अस्ति ” | नारायण: शीघ्रमेव इमं प्रश्नं निराकर्तुं कृतनिश्चय: अभवत् | एकस्यां रात्रौ यदा दादाभागान् नारायणं च विहाय सर्वे साधका: आश्रमत: निर्गता:, तदा एतेन कथञ्चित् धैर्यमवलम्ब्य मामामहाभागाः पृष्टा: यत् किं सत्यमेव ते तथा प.पू.स. टेम्ब्ये स्वामी महाराजा: च समानाः सन्ति ?  

सद्गुरु मामामहाभागा: स्वशय्यायाम्( माउलीआश्रमे यत्र इदानीं तेषां पादुका: स्थापिता: ) उपविश्य क्रीडापत्रकैः “पेशेन्स”  खेलन्त: आसन् | गभीरदृष्ट्या दादामहाभागान् एकवारं दृष्ट्वा तै: नारायणस्य प्रश्नस्य उपेक्षा कृता | इमं सङ्केतं नावगत्य नारायण: पुन: अपृच्छत् “ भवन्त: वस्तुत: टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजा: सन्ति वा ?”

 माउली आश्रम: नि:शब्दः जात: | किन्तु नारायणस्य  जिज्ञासा तु असह्या आसीत् | स: पुन: अवदत् “मामा…”

 “किम् इदानीम् ?” मामामहाभागा: अगर्जन् |  “ननु शिरीष: अवदत्… किं भवान् एव ..” | सद्गुरु मामाभागा: कुपिता: जाता:, नारायणस्य प्रश्नसमाप्तेः पूर्वम् एव सहसा ते तौ अभिमुखा: जाता: |  एक: हस्त: आकाशे ऊर्ध्व: जात:, हस्तयो: दण्ड: कमण्डलु: च अनुक्षणं प्रगटीभूत: | साक्षात् टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजानां रूपं दर्शयन्त: ते नारायणं प्रति अब्रुवन् “आम् | अहमेव टेम्ब्येस्वामी | एवम् अहं कस्मै अपि किमपि स्पष्टीकरणं दातुं न बद्धोस्मि ” | मामामहाभागान् टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजानां रूपे अनपेक्षिततया आविर्भूतान् दृष्ट्वा सद्गुरुदादामहाभागा: नारायण: च चकिता: अभवन् | निःशब्दौ तौ भयेन कम्पितौ जातौ |   

किञ्चित् कालान्तरेण तद् दिव्योग्ररूपं विलुप्य तत्स्थाने मामा महाभागानां शान्तं रूपं पुन: दृग्गोचरं जातम्, पूर्ववत् ते सधैर्यं क्रीडन्त: स्थिताः |  स्वामीमहाभागानां प्रतिरूपं तु तयो: हृदये दार्ढ्येण टङ्कितम् अभवत् |

^ प.पू.सद्गुरु श्री शिरीष दादा कवडे (दादा/ सद्गुरु दादा)

* अस्मिन् युगे (विंशतितमे ख्रिस्रशतके) जाता: महान्त: यतिश्रेष्ठा: दार्शनिका: मुनय: , वैदिकधर्मे परमोच्चस्थानम् अलङ्कुर्वन्तः टेम्ब्येस्वामीमहाराजा: प्रभुदत्तात्रेयानां पञ्चमावतारा: श्रीदत्तसंप्रदायस्य श्रेष्ठतमा: महात्मानः च आसन्  |   परम्पराया: अधिकविवरणार्थं पश्यन्तु – http://ssmandal.org/about-us/

5 thoughts on “He is Tembye Swami Maharaj reborn!

  1. I am so luckiest to be Blessed and by the grace of P P ShreeMaMA Maharaj was able to witness their Physical company and also P P ShreeTai ji and P P SHREEDADAJI

  2. It is wonderful to read this sweet story again in English and Sanskrit. So much to learn for us from Shri Narayan kaka’s devotion, pure love for Sadguru and his innocence.
    Bowing down to PPS Mama and PPS Shireesh Dada and the great Datta sampradaya lineage. Many many thanks to the SMF project X team.

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