Experiences · Words

The Power of His Words

‘Vacha Siddhi’ is a word in the Sanskrit language which represents a type of spiritual power, achieved through the study of specific texts and rituals given in Vedic sciences. Words spoken by the person possessing vacha siddhi seem to come true in reality. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that the person who has attained this qualified state seems to foretell the future, not necessarily cause it. Only a person who has attained a very high level of spiritual maturity can possess such powers in their words. Those powers become an integral part of his personality.

H. H. Sadguru Shree Mama (“Mama”) possessed a countless number of such spiritual powers, vacha siddhi being one of them. People around Him had experienced His power right since His childhood.

The following  is an incident from when Mama was in His mid-thirties:

One day, a friend had come to visit Mama. While making small talk, his eyes were set on a pile of notebooks kept neatly on a table. Out of curiosity, he started scanning them and realized that they contained detailed notes on the subject of astrology. In fact, the notes were made by Mama Himself, capturing the unique knowledge of astrology imparted to Him by His mother (H. H. Sadguru Matushree Parvati Devi) over many years since His early childhood.

Looking at the notebooks, Mama’s friend said, “Wow! These notes are amazing. Can I borrow them for a few days?” Kindhearted as always, Mama said, “Sure, but please bring them back once you are done.” The friend went home with the notebooks. As he read through them, he realized the value of the knowledge contained in those notes and, very soon, was overcome with greed. It was perhaps because of the rare and unique knowledge captured in the notes, or perhaps it was the prospect of using that knowledge to make a lot of money.  Whatever the reason, he kept the notebooks to himself and didn’t return them to Mama.

A few months later, when they met again, Mama reminded his friend, “I hope you got a chance to study the notebooks. Will you please return them now?” Pretending to be clueless, the friend replied, “What notebooks? I am not sure what you are talking about.” Mama realized that the friend was bluffing, but patiently reminded him, “Remember the astrology notebooks which you borrowed from me some months ago? I had asked you to return them once you were done.”

Mama’s friend foolishly decided to continue lying, “Oh, those notebooks! Mama, I am really sorry to say this, but there was a small accident at home which resulted in a fire, and unfortunately, all the notebooks got burnt.” As soon as he uttered those words, Mama made a spontaneous remark, “No, the notebooks are still intact, but indeed they will burn before long.” With those words, they parted.

The friend had no clue about the power of Vacha Siddhi, possessed by Mama. So, he conveniently ignored Mama’s words, not giving them further thought. Confident that the notebooks now belonged to him, he forgot all about that meeting and Mama’s words.

Then came the unfortunate day of the 30th of January 1948. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in Delhi, India’s capital. What followed his death was a frenzy of riots that swarmed the country. Hundreds of people were killed, thousands of homes were burnt, countless number of properties were destroyed. Mama’s friend was a victim of those riots. Though he was lucky to survive, all of his belongings were burnt, including Mama’s astrology notebooks.

It is important to note here that Mama’s words merely foretold the future. Such was the power of His words.

Originally published in book ShriSadguruSmarani in 2004 by Shree Vamanraj Prakashan (SVP #96) authored by / compiled by His Holiness Sadguru Shree Dada. Refer to chapter number 3 authored by His Holiness Sadguru Shree Dada on page number 26.

(Sanskrit version)

तेषां शब्दसामर्थ्यम्

वाचासिद्धि: इत्याख्या काचित् आध्यात्मिकी शक्ति: अस्ति यस्या: प्राप्ति: शास्त्रानुसारम् अनुष्ठानादिकर्म कृत्वा भवति | वाचासिद्धिप्राप्तपुरुषस्य वाणी सत्या भवति, अर्थात् वाण्या यत् स: उच्चारति, व्यवहारे तदेव उपपद्यते   | इदम् अवधेयं यत् ते केवलं भविष्यद्द्रष्टार: सन्ति, न हि कारका: | उच्चतराध्यात्मिकप्रौढिसम्पन्ना: एव इमां सिद्धिं धारयितुं शक्नुवन्ति | ताः सिद्धयः तेषां व्यक्तित्वस्य अभिन्नावयवाः सञ्जायन्ते | परमपूज्यसद्गुरुश्रीमामामहाभागा: अगणिताध्यात्मिकसिद्धियुक्ता: आसन् | वाचासिद्धि: तासु एका ।

बाल्यत: तत् सामर्थ्यं तेषां निकटस्थै: अनुभूतम् |  

एतस्मिन्  घटनासमये मामामहाभागा: उपपञ्चत्रिंशद्वर्षीया: आसन् | तेषाम् एकं मित्रम् एकस्मिन् दिने गृहम् आगतम् | वार्तालापसमये तस्य दृष्टि: उत्पीठिकायां सम्यक् स्थापितानां लेखनपुस्तिकानां सञ्चयं गता | कुतूहलवशात् स: ताः निरीक्षितवान् | तासु ज्योतिःशास्त्रविषये विस्तृताः टिप्पण्यः सन्ति इति तेन ज्ञातम् |   ता: टिप्पण्य: मामामहाराजै: एव लिखिता: आसन् | ज्योतिःशास्त्रस्य अद्वितीयं दुर्लभं ज्ञानं यत् बाल्यात् दीर्घकालपर्यन्तं तेषां मातु: ( परमपूज्य सद्गृरु मातोश्री पार्वतीदेवी) प्राप्तम् तत्सर्वं तै: लिखितमासीत् | तां पुस्तिकां दृष्ट्वा स: अवदत् “ अहो एता: टिप्पण्य: अतिमनोहराः सन्ति, कानिचित् दिनानि अहम् एता: नेतुं शक्नोमि वा ?”  वदान्यस्वभावाः मामामहाभागा: अवदन् “अवश्यं नय, किन्तु पठनानन्तरं पुनः आनय |” मित्रं ता: स्वीकृत्य गृहं गतम् |  

टिप्पणी: पठित्वा तासु  निहितज्ञानस्य महात्म्यं तेन अवगतम् | शीघ्रमेव स: लोभेन ग्रस्तो जात: | अतीव दुर्लभं तत् ज्ञानं त‍त्र सङ्गृहीतं दृष्ट्वा उत तेन ज्ञानेन सम्भाव्यधनलोभेन वा, केनापि कारणेन तेन पुस्तिका: मामामहाभागेभ्य: न दत्त्वा स्वसमीपे एव निहिताः |

कतिचन मासेषु गतेषु यदा तौ पुन: मिलितौ तदा मामामहाभागा: मित्रम् स्मारयन्तः अपृच्छन् “पुस्तिका: पठिता: स्यु:, कृपया इदानीं ताः प्रत्यर्पयतु |” मित्रम् अनभिज्ञवत् अवदत्  “ का: पुस्तिका:? भवान् किं वदति न जानामि | मित्रम् असत्यं भाषते इति मामामहाभागै: अवगतम् | किन्तु धैर्येण ते उक्तवन्त:, “कतिचन मासेभ्यः पूर्वं त्वया ज्योतिःशास्त्रस्य टिप्पणीपुस्तिका: मत्त: पठनार्थं नीताः स्मरसि ? पठनानान्तरं ता: प्रत्यर्पयतु इत्यपि सूचितवान् अहम् |”  मामामहाभागानां मित्रं पुनः कपटाचरणेन व्यवहरत् अवदत्, “ता: पुस्तिका: वा ! मामा, क्षम्यतां किन्तु गृहे लघुः अपघात: अभवत् यस्मिन् अग्निना सर्वा: पुस्तिका: भस्मीभूता: |” तस्य त‍त् वाक्यं श्रुत्वा अनुक्षणं मामामहाभागा: उत्स्फ़ूर्ततया अवदन्, “पुस्तिका: तु इतोऽपि समीचीनाः सन्ति किन्तु शीघ्रमेव दग्ध्वा नष्टाः भविष्यन्ति” |  इति संवादानन्तरं तौ निष्क्रान्तौ |

मित्रं मामामहाभागानां वाचासिद्धिविषये सर्वथा अनभिज्ञम् आसीत् | अत: मामामहाभागानां वाक्यं न विचिन्त्य स: तेषाम् उपेक्षाम् अकरोत् | इदानीं पुस्तिकानां स्वामी अहमेव इति मनसि निधाय स: मामामहाभागानां मिलनं वचनं च पूर्णत: विस्मृतवान् |  

किञ्चित्कालानन्तरं तत् दुर्दिनम् आगतम् | जानेवरीमासस्य त्रिंशत्तमः दिनाङ्क: १९४८ ख्रिस्तसंवत्सरः | भारतस्य राजधान्यां देहल्यां महात्मागान्धिन: वध: जात: | तत्पश्चात् देशे  महान् कोलाहल: सङ्क्षोभ: च प्रसृत: | अगणिता: जना: हता:, सहस्राधिकानि गृहाणि दग्धानि, सम्पत्ते: महती हानि: अभवत् | मामामहाभागानां मित्रम् अपि तेन उन्मादेन आहतम् अभवत् । भाग्येन तस्य प्राणाः तु रक्षिताः किन्तु तस्य सम्पत्तिः सर्वाणि गृहवस्तूनि च नष्टानि, मामामहाभागानां ताः पुस्तिकाः अपि ।  इदम् अत्र अवधेयम् यत् मामामहाभागानां शब्दैः केवलं भविष्यत् एव उक्तम् । एवं तेषां शब्दानां सामर्थ्यम् आसीत् ।

अयं लेख: मूलत: श्रीसद्गुरुस्मरणी २००४ श्रीवामनराज प्रकाशनेन (प्रकाशन क्रमाङ्कः  ९६) प्रकाशित: |लेखक:/सङ्कलक: – सद्गुरु प.पू.श्री दादा |  कृपया अध्यायक्रमाङ्क: ३, पृष्ठक्रमाङ्क: २६ विलोक्यताम् |

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