Experiences · Miracles

Limited food served unlimited people

The Mangaldham hall in Kolhapur, a town in the western state of Maharashtra, India, was packed with people on that day. The holy ritual of ‘Shri Mahalakshmi Yag’ was being performed as per the instructions of His Holiness Sadguru Shree Mama (Mama), long after he had left this material world. His successors, His Holiness Sadguru Shree Shireesh Dada Kawade (a.k.a. Dada) and Her Holiness Sou Sadguru Shakatai Agate (a.k.a. Tai), were present for the ritual. Professor Rajhans, a senior sadhak, also one of the organizers of the function, was taking stock of the logistics. As he watched the number of people streaming into the hall, he quickly realized that there may be a shortage of food that would be served to all the attendees. He went to the kitchen to check on the food supply. “Sir, I am afraid we have vastly underestimated the number of attendees. There is no way this food will be sufficient for so many people.” the cook said, confirming the Professor’s fears.

“Oh God! What do we do now?”  The professor turned to Tai for help and told Her about the problem. Tai immediately rushed to the kitchen. One look at the food was enough for Her to comprehend the situation. “Okay, everyone calm down. We will figure a way out, with Mama’s grace. Does anyone have a photo of Sadguru Matushree Parvati Devi (Mama’s mother – also His spiritual master)? Also, does anyone have any clothing used by Mama?” Fortunately, the Professor had Matushree’s photo. He also had in his possession Sadguru Mama’s dhoti (a garment that was commonly worn by men, draped around their waists), which Mama had left with the Professor along with His other clothes, during His last visit to Kolhapur. The Professor rushed home and came back with the photo as well as dhoti. Tai then covered the food with that dhoti, and prayed to Matushree. She instructed the team, “Now listen carefully. Take out as much food as you need for serving from these covered vessels. But make sure that, at all times, every vessel is covered with the dhoti.” It was already time to serve the food. The team then started serving food to the first batch of people. As soon as they were done, the next batch sat for their meal. The Professor went to the kitchen once again, fearing that the supply of food must have been fully depleted by then. To his surprise, sufficient food was available in the vessels covered with Mama’s dhoti, after serving the first batch! As the Professor looked on, hundreds of people ate to their heart’s content. There had been no need to prepare any food item afresh. Everybody witnessing this miracle was speechless; it was beyond their imagination!

“If just one piece of Mama’s clothing possessed so much power, then what must have been the extent of the incredible spiritual powers possessed by Mama Himself? One can only imagine; or perhaps, one can never imagine!” mused the Professor.

Originally published in book Shreepad SmrutiSudha in 2017 by Shree Vamanraj Prakashan (SVP #63) authored by / compiled by His Holiness Sadguru Shree Dada. Refer to chapter number 56 authored by Mr. Dhananjay Rajhans on page number 603.

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(Sanskrit version)

मर्यादितभोजनम् अमर्यादाः जनाः भुञ्जते |

तस्मिन् दिवसे कोल्हापुरस्थितं मङ्गलधामसभागृहं जनैः पूरितम् आसीत् | श्रीमहालक्ष्मीयागस्य विधिः सद्गुरुमामामहाभागानां निर्देशानुसारं प्रचलन् आसीत् | सद्गुरुमामामहाभागैः तेषां भौतिकं शरीरं पुरा एव त्यक्तम् आसीत्, अतः तेषाम् उत्तराधिकारिणः सद्गुरुश्रीशिरीषदादा-कवडेमहाभागाः (दादा इति आहूताः) त‍था च सद्गुरुशकाताई-आगटेमहाभागाः (ताई इति आहूताः) त‍त्र यागार्थम् उपस्थिताः आसन् | 

ज्येष्ठसाधकः प्राध्यापकः राजहंसमहोदयः, अस्य महोत्सवस्य आयोजकेषु अन्यतमः सर्वमपि समीक्षमाणः अतिष्ठत् | यथा सः सभागृहं जनैः पूर्यमाणम् अपश्यत् त‍था आगामि सङ्कटम् अपि अवागच्छत् | सः अन्नव्यवस्थां द्रष्टुं पाकशालां गतवान् | यत् प्राध्यापकेन चिन्तितम् आसीत् तदेव सूदः अवदत्, “महोदय, अहं मन्ये यत् अस्माभिः उचित‍तया आगन्तुकानां सङ्ख्यानं न कृतम् | अपि तु अतिशयं न्यूनमेव सङ्ख्यानं परिगृहीतम् | इदम् अन्नम् एतावत्-जनानां कृते पर्याप्तं भवेत् इत्यस्य कापि शक्यता नास्ति |”

“हे भगवन्! अधुना किं कर्तव्यम्?” प्राध्यापकमहोदयः साहाय्यार्थं सद्गुरुताईमहाभागाः प्रति गत्वा सर्वामपि समस्यां ताभ्यः न्यवेदयत् | ताईमहाभागाः सपदि एव पाकशालाम् अगच्छन् | अन्नदर्शनमात्रेण ताः सर्वां स्थितिं अजान‍न् | ताः अवदन्, “अस्तु | शान्ताः भवत | सद्गुरुमामामहाराजाणां कृपया वयं कमपि मार्गम् अन्विष्यामः| कस्यापि समीपे सद्गुरुमातुःश्रीपार्वतीदेवीनां (सद्गुरुमामामहाराजाणां जन‍नी सद्गुरुः च) छायाचित्रं वर्तते वा? त‍था च, मामामहाभागैः उपयुक्तं वस्त्रम् अस्ति वा?” 

सुदैववशात् प्राध्यापकस्य समीपे मातुःश्रीणां छायाचित्रम् आसीत् | तस्य समीपे सद्गुरुमामामहाभागानां धोतीवस्त्रं (पुरुषैः कटिच्छादनार्थम् उपयुक्तं वस्त्रम्) आसीत् यत् सद्गुरुमामामहाभागैः काल्हापुरे तेषाम् अन्तिमागमनसमये प्राध्यापकस्य समीपे अन्यवस्त्रैः सह निहितम् आसीत् | प्राध्यापकः शीघ्रं गृहं गत्वा तद् वस्त्रं छायाचित्रं च गृहीत्वा प्रत्यागच्छत् | ताईमहोदयाभिः सर्वम् अन्नं तेन धोतीवस्त्रेण आच्छादितम्, मातुःश्रीणां च प्रार्थना कृता | त‍तः ताः कार्यकारिसमूहं सूचितवत्यः, “अधुना सावधानं शृणुत | यावद् अन्नम् परिवेषणाय आवश्यकं तावदेव एतेभ्यः आच्छादितभाण्डेभ्यः ग्रहीतव्यम् | किन्तु पश्य, सत‍तं प्रत्येकं भाण्डं धोतीवस्त्रेण आच्छादितम् भवेत् एव  |” 

भोजनसमयः प्राप्तः आसीत् | कार्यकारिसमूहेन जनानां प्रथमावल्यै भोजनं प्रदत्तम् | तेषां समाप्तौ सद्यः एव अग्रिमा आवली भोजनाय उपविष्टा | एतावत्पर्यन्तम् न्यूनम् एव अन्नम् अवशिष्टं स्यात् इति चिन्तयन् प्राध्यापकः पुनरपि पाकशालां गतवान् | किन्तु सद्गुरुमामामहाभागानां धोतीवस्त्राच्छादितेषु भाण्डेषु पर्याप्तम् अन्नम् उपलब्धम् आसीत्, प्रथमावलीभोजनस्य अन‍न्तरम् अपि ! प्राध्यापकस्य पुरतः एव शतशः जनाः मनसोक्तं भोजनम् अकुर्वत | कमपि पदार्थं पुनः पक्तुम् आवश्यकता न आसीत् | इमं चमत्कारं साक्षात्कुर्वन्तः सर्वे निःशब्दाः अभवन्; इदं तेषां कल्पनायाः परम् आसीत् !

“यदि सद्गुरुमामामहाभागानां वस्त्रम् एतावतीं शक्तिं धरति, तर्हि प्रत्यक्षं सद्गुरुमामामहाभागानां शक्तिः का भवेत्? वयं केवलं कल्पितुं शक्ताः, अथवा कदाचित् वयं कदापि कल्पितुं न शक्नुमः!” प्राध्यापकः अचिन्तयत् |

मूलतः श्रीपादस्मृतिसुधाग्रन्थे (२०१७) ( प्रकाशनक्रमाङ्कः ६३)  श्रीवामनराजप्रकाशनेन प्रकाशिता, सद्गुरुश्रीदादामहाभागैः सङ्कलिता  |कृपया श्रीधनंजयराजहंसमहोदयेन लिखित: कथाक्रमाङ्कः ५६, पृ.क्र. ६०३ विलोक्यताम् |

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(French version)

Le repas limité servi aux personnes illimitées

Ce jour-là, la salle de Mangaldham, situé à Kolhapur qui est une petite ville dans l’ouest de Maharashtra, était absolument bondée à pleine capacité. Un rituel sacré de ‘Shri Mahalakshmi Yag’ était en cours d’être performé, selon les instructions de Sadguru Mama, même après il quitta ce monde matérialiste. Ses successeurs, Sa Sainteté Sadguru Shireesh Dada Kawade (aussi connu Dada) et Sa Sainteté Sadguru Shakatai Agate (aussi connue Tai), ont été présents pour ce rituel. Pendant ce temps, Professeur Rajhans, aussi un disciple et un des organisateurs, était en charge de tous les logistiques. En constatant le nombre des personnes arrivées, il rendit compte qu’il y aurait une l’insuffisance de la nourriture, qui serait servi aux personnes présentes. Il puis vint à la cuisine pour but d’examiner la quantité de la nourriture. Dans même temps, le cuisinier à confirmer ses craints et dit « Monsieur, je crains que nous ayons fait un faux pas en sous-estimant les nombreux des personnes. Il est impossible que cette quantité soit suffisants pour des nombreuses personnes. »

« Mon Dieu ! Que-ce que nous ferons maintenant ? » en le disant, le professeur se rapprocha de Tai pour ses conseils et la raconta tout le problème. Tai alla tout de suite à la cuisine pour constater la situation. Un coup d’œil à la nourriture était suffisant pour elle, pour comprendre la situation. Elle dit « Bon. Calmez-vous. Nous allons nous tirer de ce mauvais pas, avec la grâce de Mama. D’abord, est-ce que quelqu’un tient une photo de Sadguru Matushree Parvati Devi (la Mère de Sadguru Mama – et aussi sa guide spirituelle) ? En plus, est-ce que quelqu’un tient aucun vêtement, utilisé par Mama ? » Heureusement, le professeur possédait une photo de Matushree et aussi un Dhoti (un type de vêtement porté par les hommes, traditionnellement drapé autour de la taille) de Sadguru Mama, qu’il laissa avec le professeur ainsi que ses autres vêtements, pendant sa dernière visite à Kolhapur. Le professeur partit tout de suite et revint avec la photo et le dhoti. Tai puis couvrit la nourriture avec le dhoti et pria à Matushree. Ensuite, elle adressa à l’équipe « écoutez bien. Prenez la quantité de la nourriture comme besoin, de ces ustensiles qui sont couverts. Mais, attention. Assurez que chaque ustensile est couvert tout le temps par ce dhoti » Au fait, c’était déjà l’heure du repas. L’équipe commença à servir le premier groupe des gens. Dès qu’ils terminèrent, le prochain groupe fut prêt pour le repas. Le professeur vint à la cuisine, craintif que la quantité soit épuisée. Mais, à sa grande surprise, il y avait assez de la nourriture, même après avoir servi le premier groupe ! Au fil du temps, il vit que centaines de personnes mangèrent à satiété. Il n’y avait besoin de cuisiner aucun plat à nouveau. Tout le monde, qui eut témoigné ce miracle, était stupéfait. C’était vraiment inimaginable !

« Si une seule étoffe de Sadguru Mama possédait autant de pouvoir, on ne peut qu’imaginer l’étendue des pouvoirs spirituelles incroyable, possédait par lui-même. Ou peut-être qu’on ne pourrait jamais l’imaginer ! » se demanda le professeur.

Originalement publié dans l’ouvrage  Shreepad Smruti Sudha en 2017 par Shree Vamanraj Prakashan (SVP #63) rédigé / compilé par Sa Sainteté Sadguru Shree Dada. Veuillez référer à chapitre numéro 56 rédigé par M. Dhananjay Rajhans sur le page n° 603

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One thought on “Limited food served unlimited people

  1. Today I read about this food supply miracle and it reminded of many Saints and Draupadi’s never ending Thali. Guru’s Grace works in so many ways in our lives. I have experienced it recently while going through an unbelievable disaster. My thousands of Namaskar to P P MAMA MAHARAJ AND P P SHAKATAI MATA AND P P SHIREESHDADA.

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